LB8P_053_Hotel Save a student Save a cat

Per partecipare al concorso i progetti vanno inviati entro:

Progetto proposto da Giada Vezzosi

Save a student Save a cat Hotel consiste nel creare una catena di hotel a livello internazionale in cui possano trovare lavoro solo studenti e ad alloggi molto economici per far fronte alle spese universitarie che ogni anno pesano sulle tasche degli studenti, che non sempre riescono a coprire con le borse di studio o che non riescono a ottenere borse di studio. Inoltre, permetterebbe a molti giovani studenti di avere esperienza per un futuro lavoro diminuendo il tasso di disoccupazione giovanile. Questo progetto dovrebbe aiutare anche animali quali gatti e cani a trovare rifugio ed ad essere accuditi nel migliore dei modi evitando gattili canili e abbandono degli animali. Adottare animali domestici è inoltre un’azione di marketing per attirare più clientela nell’hotel(non solo studenti!), che aiuterebbe quindi a coprire le spese di assunzione e pagamento di studenti e che aiuterebbe a permettere di mantenere gli alloggi degli studenti a basso prezzo.


My project is about building an hotel with various services where Only students Can work, and in which there will be flats for students and rooms (hotel type) for other guests.
My idea came from my struggles to find a job while I am studying as an university student : I don’t live where I study, and I don’t have any experience in working. Nobody in Italy wants to hire a student, moreover someone without experience. Also, paying for university fees is hard. So I got an idea : building an hotel where only students can work. Moreover an hotel which will host pets, not just as a marketing idea but also to give a better home to abandoned pets. Students who work will have free room, catsitters dog sitters room at the half of the normal price, normal students a very cheap room. To maintain the hotel we will have more services such as restaurant, cat Cafe, cars bikes scooter rentals, perhaps motel kind rooms and more. We will have 300 rooms in 100 flats for students and 200 rooms for other guests. Also a shop of the brand would be a nice idea.
This is to improve the life quality of students reducing housing fees, making the Disoccupation between young people decrease and give experience to university students. Also, from my experience in Asia, where cat cafes are very popular, I want to use the same idea for the hotel, to help pets and bring more people to stay in the hotel. Also, pets will help students keeping on their mood during university and students having a flat will feel as in a family, not alone as they could feel in a dorm with a private room and bathroom. I think this idea if even international, could help students all around the world, so I hope somebody could make it become true!